Florida local Herb Profile: Betony
A common weed found right here in Florida, that many people spend lots of money and time trying to get rid of, is a great source of food and medicine! This grubby looking little thing is the tuber of Florida Wood Betony (Stachys floridana), a relative of Stachys officinalis.
Another name for this plant is Rattlesnake Weed, and by looking at the tuber, you might be able to tell why as it resembles the tail of a rattlesnake.
The leaves, stems, flowers (aerial parts) can be used to make a tea that has benefits for the nervous system. Think groundedness, rootedness, calming the connection between the gut and brain, good for nervous anxiety that manifests as an upset stomach, headaches that have a root in the digestive system.
The root of this plant is my favorite! My kids love hunting and digging up the grubby looking tubers (and to be honest I do too!) It’s like a treasure hunt! These are edible! The texture is like a radish, but without the pungent taste. It’s slightly sweet, maybe blandish. Can be chopped and added to salads for a fresh crunch, added to stews, or my favorite… pickled!
Spending some time getting to know this plant had me think more about its qualities. Now I’ve got nothing to back up my observations, but if you have a chance to dig around for the tubers you’ll notice the roots connect in long networks. Similar to that of our nervous system. A hint that it may benefit our nerves. You also have to take the time digging through the earth, the ground. Just simply that action is providing that grounding so many of us need.
Hope you enjoyed learning about a local weed that is one of my favorites! April is the perfect time of year to go on a little hunt!